Thursday, November 28, 2019

Describe my hometown

                                       Salaam Bloggers
Today I am gonna be talking about my hometown. My hometown is Palmerston north.

Something special about my hometown is all my family friends and cousins live around it. Also it is a good place because we can play cricket over there we also can play tag over there and it is fun. There are lots of mountains near that and there are also lots of shop near my  house  we did not have to go somewhere that far to by stuff. My hometown is a small place but something really cool is that a lot of people live there. I can describe my house so good because it is a small and easy spot to describe.

Image result for palmerston north

Image result for palmerston north

Image result for palmerston north

1 comment:

  1. Sallam,
    I really liked how you got a picture of your favourite place. I also liked how explained some key things about Palmerston North. Well ddone.


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